Toni Rocha Red Flowers with Yellow and Blue Squares Quilt
Quilting Pattern 8153 Flowers Quilt Size is 59 by 71 Thread Color is Blue #SpringtimeQuilt

Codi Mangrum Bloom with Applique Quilt
Quilting Pattern is 8153 Flowers Quilt Size is 60 by 72 Thread Color is Beige #SpringtimeQuilt

Leslie St.Onge Birds and Butterflies Quilt
Quilting Patterns is AN069 Animals Quilt Size is 56 by 74 Thread Color is Brown #SpringtimeQuilt

Leslie St Onge Bird and Butterfly Asymmetrical Block Quilt
Leslie's Birds and Butterfly Asymmetrical Block quilt is very striking. I love the illusion her blocks produced. Her choice of quilting...

Beth Robertson Beach and Shell Quilt
Beth's beach and shell quilt remind me of the Florida day. Her choice of quilting design 8101 Sports adds the anchor element to her...

Codi Mangrum Meadow Bloom Quilt
Codi's Meadow Bloom Quilt is bursting in colors. I love her choices of prints for the blooms. Her choice of quilting design AN069...

Joan Murken Flower Quilt
Joan's Happy Flower Quilt is so very cute. I love the colors and the bunny print fabrics. Her choice of quilting design 8114 Flower is...

Beth Robertson Lily Quilt
Beth's Lily Quilt is stunning. I love how she took large floral panels and created a beauty. Her choice of quilting pattern GE1006B...

Carmen Danna Birds Quilt
Carmen's quilt of birds is very colorful. I love how the birds seem to peek in and out of the blocks. Her choice of quilting pattern...

Pamela Marshall Hummingbird Quilt
Quilting Pattern is AN043 Hummingbirds Animals. Quilt Size is 65 by 77. Thread Color used is Light Green. #SpringtimeQuilt